
the Study corner

Please can someone enlighten me about the different settings in the study corner? Can't find the manual.. sry for that.

a) What is the different between "new study" and "own study"?

b) If i want to create a "new study" or "own study" is it then public by default or do i have the option to make setting afterwards?

Isn't it better to just have "new study" and later let the person do its "public" or "private" setting? Would be less confusing IMO.
a) New study = create a new study
Own study = you created it

b) if you click "new study" you get a box that allows you to select its visibility.

It's public by default < the middle one titled "visibility"
OK, thank you Agent_Orange. Good stuff but need to get familiar with firs. Not want to mess it up while playing with it. Is there a manual available or is it inbuild? Would be nice to have one.
When you create a study, you can always click the 'help' button, which opens a tutorial:

Or, you can watch the 18 min YouTube video TonyRo uploaded that covers it in detail:

If you don't like long videos... play it at 1.5 speed. Still understandable then.
video.. nice.. i'll start at 17:45 and use fast forward .. thanks :) Hope it isn't in Korean Language.
Or go on your profile, and click on "studies"
Is there a way to import current games like "correspondence" or "unlimited" into the study corner? Since these games are in progress and do not contain / provide a PGN or FEN file.

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