
Your experience of appealing on lichess

Were you sucsessful or not? If you were sucessful, please share how you were able to prove your innocence? This Forum is created to help out our chat banned friend.
Yeah just for the record, I’m definitely on thin ice too rn, so I’m just gonna lay low for a little. :) good luck with this!
The point of an appeal is not to prove your innocence. That is usually not possible. You are able to share your point of view of course, and that may be helpful to an extent. However, the main point of an appeal is to have a different, usually more experienced moderator look at your case.

Be that as it may, what will almost certainly not help the appeal of any of your chat banned friends is creating forum posts about them.
@i-bex said in #5:
> Suicide threats didn't work?

Umm they were technically being murdered threats (I clarified)
What happened to LordSupremeChess? But wait, who is LordSupremeChess even?
@dstne said in #6:
> Umm they were technically being murdered threats (I clarified)
"Post another frivolous thread if you want to live. NOW! It's a matter of national security." I imagine that's the situation.
@Oliver131313 said in #9:
> Wait who said that, LSC or someone else?

lsc told me that he was banned because he had an alt, that he can appeal in 6 months, and that the "suicidal" sounding sentence at the end of his message was actually murder threats, but I'm not really concerned about that. lsc did not say:

>"Post another frivolous thread if you want to live. NOW! It's a matter of national security."

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