
The current world chess championship is causing draw death. It's time to stop chess from draw death.

@ronin3b said in #39:
> Btw wasn't there a schism from FIDE in the later years of Kasparov? In terms of a parallel federation or something? I would absolutely endorse another organization if FIDE does not change something like real soon

You mean the Professional Chess Association? That was short-lived (1993-1996), and was about the prize money of world championship matches. It folded after losing its major sponsor. It had no interest in changing the rules of the game itself.

@spartakbarnsley said in #27:
> Personally I think that 960 will become the dominant form of chess at elite level within the next fifty years or so. It's fundamentally the same as regular chess, all it does is rids us of reliance on opening theory.

Chess960 has been around for a quarter of a century, and it still has far less traction than regular chess.

Now, FIDE has organized an official Chess 960 World Championship (FIDE still calls it Fisher Random Chess), which was won by Wesley So, who demolished Carlsen (13.5 - 2.5). Matches were much shorted (with faster time controls in later games), with 2-4 games played each day. But this was organized in Norway, and I get the feeling its success depended more on the popularity of Carlsen in his native country than of Chess 960. (
To me it seems that despite playing at a super high level, that this isn't the main reason why we see all those draws.
I really don't see much fighting spirit from both players.
They want to win of course, but they seem too afraid to take the necessary risks and oppt for safer options instead where they can never loose.
Like Carlsen just trading down into equality against Nepos russian defense and Nepo not going for more in the catalan game.

But yeah, I dont even have a FIDE rating, so what do I know about GM chess.
@Sarg0n said in #40:
> Yeah, they were young and needed the money.

Definitely. I'm pretty sure Magnus and Wesley So would have been out hustling in Central Park if they hadn't qualified for the final of the world 960, so desperate are they for cash.
Another fact in favor of the old way is if the challenger knows at the end of the match the score is drawn and he's gonna lose you can bet he's gonna fight to his utmost to win the match. The tiebreak system makes the players comfortable and lessens the seriousness and respectability of the world championship.
I actually love the unanimity in the responses to OP’s post. Everyone was like, “self-capture chess? Hmm. 25 DISLIKES??? *click*”
@stademeister15 said in #45:
> I actually love the unanimity in the responses to OP’s post. Everyone was like, “self-capture chess? Hmm. 25 DISLIKES??? *click*”

It could be immensely fun after a few beers with your mates. So is three legged football, but I don't think either of them would be appropriate at an elite level!
@spartakbarnsley said in #46:
> It could be immensely fun after a few beers with your mates. So is three legged football, but I don't think either of them would be appropriate at an elite level!
It honestly just sounds like a ripoff of bughouse, but who doesn’t love bughouse?
Basically, as with everything, it's people not thinking things through. It started with ending games with checkmate instead of capturing the king. Then came the rule that the kings couldn't be captured. Nobody could imagine what to make of stalemate then. Nobody connected stalemate with what would happen if the game went on to capture the king. In England there even was a rule that the stalemated player won the game because the king was safe...

So, the chess community decided that stalemate is a draw. That makes a lot of end positions draws.

If a stalemated player were to lose the game there would be a lot less draws. Position repetitions, unsufficient material and, if allowed, agreed draws would be the only way to draw.

It is as it is, we will have to accept a lot of draws now among the elite.

I guess this post will gather a lot of downwotes. I still wrote it. That's the way I am.
Well, the 2 interesting games were not e4/e5. So u know what 2 do...

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