
If i start at the age of 22 will i become successful chess player? i want geniune answers

No, you won't. And I don't say that just because very very few ever reach 2700 (although that does seem like a pretty solid backup point). I say it because anybody who is only interested in being a "successful" chessplayer wouldn't think of investing the amount of time and effort (not to mention putting up with all the setbacks and aggravations!) it takes to become a top player.
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@Magneto101 said in #13:
> @MrPushwood So you are saying i need to be more serious about becoming top chess player

I think what he is saying is you need to set more realistic goals for yourself. There's a lot of fun to be had by just playing good chess, and pushing to be one of the best at your age is just setting yourself up for disappointment. Unless you live in your parents' basement and have no expenses whatsoever, you simply don't have enough time to get even to master level, much less super grandmaster level.
Nope. In fact, exactly the opposite. I think you should learn all about the game first; then (if the spirit still moves you and you show promise) you can worry about the higher echelons.
@Magneto101 said in #1:
> If i start at the age of 22 will i become successful chess player? i want geniune answers

No. The development of your brain is already finished. The declining process will begin in approx. 3 years. That's why a young child learns e. g. a language so easy. His brain is very formable.
#15 To me at least, there is a more fundamental point. You should be playing the game because you enjoy playing the game (especially when you're starting out), and not so you can run roughshod over the competition in years to come. Sure, we're all competitive; but nobody ever starts out a GM, so you'd better learn to love chess or your climb to the top is gonna be running out of steam pretty quick. ;)
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Are you going to give up on that dream if the answer is a clear cut "no"? Otherwise, set your mind to it. You'll either reach the rank you desire, or will fail trying

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