
Some problems I noticed for several people that started using this site and some questions

1. Most people do not like the white background. So it would be better if black/sky background was the default one

2. Most people do like to hear game sounds so why not set that up to be ON ( standard sound ) by default

3. The baord is zoomed out and a LOT of people do not even know you can zoom in with ctrl+. SO the board should be zoomed in more by default

4. The starting page is too confusing for new people. It would be a long post for me to explain what changes could be done


5. is there a way to keep my tactics rating at the lowest or to choose what kind of tactics i want to solve and of what difficulty?
For example to hose to solve only forks etc.

6. Is there a way to keep constant fps of the board when playing a match or when solving the tactics?

Looking at the regular website causes no eye problems for me but playing on the board, solving tactics etc. does cause eye problems. I assume it is because the fps is fluctuating?

Can something be done about it?
1. Yes there are different themes, also a dark one. Select from theme menu.

4- I agree the start page isn't ,like an ordinary home page. It's a bit hard to navigate. Also you don't go to it by clicking home but "start a game" A Help menu could be an interesting option too.

5. I think NO.

6. I think fps depends on you monitor setting solely and isn't related to the site.
Honest question here, are you serious or just trolling? I really would like to know.

Let me quote my self. Do try to read it carefully.

"1. Most people do not like the white background. So it would be better if black/sky background was the default one

So saying "1. Yes there are different themes, also a dark one. Select from theme menu." is just stupid.

Seriously, even if you are not trolling could you just say they you are? It is just too sad to think you are actually serious.

Seriously, even if you are not trolling could you just say they you are? It is just too sad to think you are actually an asshole.
Talking about nice things, what do u guys think about the possibility of saving a precise position during a game to create our own puzzle library ?
#3 I'm not trolling. I just misread your question, sorry.

A while ago I posted a topic that the site was a bit boring in design.

Many people replied that it's because a low contrast is more harmful for the eyes when sitting long time and playing chess and they appreciated the design vwery much.

I never considered that, but if that's the reason for the design there is something meaningsful about it. Therefore I don't share your opinion that most users are unhappy with the light-gray design.
thanks for the feedback, I have change to the black background,
It feels more professional and healthy,
I used the default one before and my eyesight was not too well.
It may be placebo effect but I think my eyes are resting way more now,
I feel much better honestly with the dark theme.

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