
Pawn is a pawn?

I'd like to share an uncommon pawn win, which is very questionable:
That rook maneuvre Rb4-Re4 seems to be winning a pawn on e5. But in my opinion it's not good at all. After winning the pawn my opponent only had that rook developed. Besides, that rook is awkwardly placed, which helps me gain a few tempi and most likely the rook gets trapped, like it happened in the game.
On the flipside, I've won games at school where we were even in material minus a few pawns. They certainly give you an advantage in the endgame, especially when they're captured without sacrificing much tempo.
Exactly, if you get to endgame :)
Black was heavily underdeveloped. And I had several developing moves harassing his rook.
I think that capture is pretty much objectively bad. Looks like in all lines black gives back the material and more on top of it or at least gives white a huge development edge for free. Gotta give your opponent credit though. Once he sets his eyes on a pawn, come hell or high water - it's his.

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