
New Variant Idea

How about a variant where the pieces move differently?

For example, bishops can move only 2 squares at a time, but they can’t go to any of the 3 new squares that became available when touching the first square they come to on their journey. So, in essence, the could turn in one move but now it’s a short range piece.

Knights are now the long range piece (which makes sense because it’s people on horseback), so it goes 3 straight and then 1 diagonally OR 3 diagonally and then 1 Straight

Rooks are towers, like castles, so they are short range protect your king pieces, they go on files but they can only move 1 jump. For example, from a3 to a5. Or, from c4 to e4, but they can’t go if blocked by other pieces.

These are just hypotheticals, but what about a variant like this available to be played as an option ?
Good luck popularizing this. Sounds pretty vacuous to me.
Thanks for the link #3, I’m going to spend some time trying out those variants over there. There are a lot of them too !

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