
Engine / Stockfish bug in Chrome

Starting about a week or so ago, the engine stops working for me in analysis mode (all lines go completely blank) after going for about 12 moves or so into a game (never had this issue before). Seems okay on Firefox.
any extensions? This doesn't happen for me in Chrome.
@nexus6ca No extensions - although today it seemed fine, although I didn't do a lot of extensive analysis, but maybe (hopefully) it's better now.
"Starting about a week or so ago, the engine stops working for me in analysis mode (all lines go completely blank) after going for about 12 moves or so into a game (never had this issue before). Seems okay on Firefox."

Exactly what I'm finding! And yesterday got asked questions about it by a Lichess admin. Have hopes now it will be addressed and fixed.
Please look for: "Loading engine..." problem gone today on page 4 or 5 for more on this.

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