
Making Lichess available as executable program for computers

Hi all,

I was thinking that many features of Lichess shouldn't have to necessarily be used with internet connection. More specifically, Analysis, Game editor and Study could all work fine in an executable Lichess program that we could install on our computers.

I believe this would make Lichess an even more attractive tool for giving chess classes in schools or elsewhere, since the tool wouldn't rely on internet connection. Also, Lichess is categorized as a Game site, therefore, in some institutions (at least in Canada) the site can't be accessed.

Beside, every analysis done on the website requests juice from the servers, which is the main expense paid by the donations made to the site. Si by analysing games on their own computers, users would reduce the cost of running the website. This would leave a bit more money to develop more awesome features.

I don't know that much about programming, so I don't know how easy it would be to develop this idea but sure is worth evaluating.

While it's not a desktop program, the mobile app has some of the offline functions that you describe.
I know, but the functionalities on the mobile app are quite restricted. For exemple, you can't draw arrows or highlight squares. Also you can't create studies. I wouldn't dare make a complete analysis of a game in the mobile app since you can't write comments or add symbols.

Basically, what I'm suggesting is to have an analysis program for your desktop that would be similar to Fritz.

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