
Has there been any inflation in the Lichess rating system over the past few months?

Rating inflation is minor and you can only really notice it when you play multiple games with someone, if there's a lot of back and forth you're both bound to end up with a slightly higher rating (+- 8 points max as a guess) than you both started with. You can also see this happen w top players like Magnus playing w Penguin, Danya, Alireza, and Zhigalko. But since people lose/win consistently it's pretty much canceled out. I've only been on this site around enough to know of one rating reset in order to fix inflation, maybe I missed a couple though lol
@drepheitur said in #1:
> I'm wondering if there has been inflation Lichess rating or if I'm just improving (hoping for the latter).
> Does anyone know if there was a recent change made to the rating system?

Rating inflation happens if the average rating of people retiring is lower than the rating they start with (more or less, handwaving a few details here).

Online systems suffer from that a lot: they attract hordes of people who play a handful of games, and then lose interest. They lose more than they win (because they are new, and they're less likely to stick around if they get beaten a lot). But FIDE ratings aren't immune to that either.

This isn't bad or good -- this is just the nature of the system. Glicko based systems combat that by taking rating deviation into account, but it's impossible to eliminate this effect completely.

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