
Which chess website do you prefer?, or

@Jack4557 said in #1:
> I prefer since there is leagues, four player chess, and bughouse

And also they haven't caught you (yet).
I see you are making some bold moves, if I may say, sir. Stirring up the pot, aren't we?

I have played on both, but I can't say I prefer one to the other. If you want pay to play, then the .com is for you, if not, then lichess is the way to go. It's basically that simple, at least for me.

When you say "chesscom is better than Lichess" in Lichess, you just get downvotes. When you say "Lichess is better than chesscom" in chesscom, you get chatbanned. Can you see where I am going with that?
@AsDaGo #2
There are so many ways one can violate ToS, and we do not know if the OP tried to appeal. It just sounded a bit harsh to me, that's all.
@AOOP09 said in #5:
> @AsDaGo #2
> There are so many ways one can violate ToS, and we do not know if the OP tried to appeal. It just sounded a bit harsh to me, that's all.

I don't think there are that many false positives, but fair enough. To be fair, though, OP was disgracing our beloved chess website. ;-)
#6 Yes, I'm as frustrated as a squirrel trying to crack open a walnut as well!
I like both. The other site has no classical category which for me is its downfall. however does have more colourful characters and brighter graphics, so it is definitely the gayer site.
You did it: two most-commonly arising of closed topics in a single thread – comparison of Lichess to Chess dot com, and alleged cheating.

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