
Search "user:Williek"

7 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Does anyone know any opening which is is not very common yet playable?#5

I haven't used it myself so I can't say with experience, but the zukertort opening for white has a decent score in the lichess database, so it might be something you might want to look at

Lichess Feedback - opponent castled while my B attacks crossing square#2

Sorry, do you mean this game - ? If so, the reason is that only the king has to be safe. In that case, only the rook was crossing over a square controlled by your bishop. …

Game analysis - What is your prettiest checkmate?#1

Let me start. In this game, I was playing black and was pretty happy to find this tactical shot, which led to a very aesthetic checkmate:

Lichess Feedback - Opponent's clock not ticking ?#4

The opening is generally a pretty straightforward part of the game. Just make some developing moves and go play a middlegame. Checking the move times, it seems as if they premoved those couple opening…

General Chess Discussion - What is your best game you have ever played?#14

Game analysis - How do I have an ACL of 0 when I made an inaccuracy?#2

I think it's since the opponent blundered mate and you did no mistakes significant enough to average out to 1+ centipawn loss, but just a guess

Lichess Feedback - Lichess sound#4

Can't you use an external program for that?
