
The typical 1800 game

@A_0123456 i never mentioned he should appeal he just should be unbanned and i mentioned the truth thays all u may or may not agree with me your chioce
@Mahith1708 We all want tpr to be un-chatbanned (or the majority of us). However, tpr him/herself has to appeal for him/her to be un-chatbanned. You can't just "tell lichess"
Nice endgame technique on this game. Thanks for sharing the game.
@A_0123456 if peoplke unite and explain how much tpr meant for the game analisis i can garuntee that lichess will unban tpr u can call me foolish if u want but i believe
@screamingmonsters @Mahith1708
Seriously, stop going off-topic and discussing something not related to the OP's game. The case is settled and nothing can or will be done to change the outcome. Others' accounts aren't any of your concern. Also, don't public shame or spread hate about other people in the forums. Report them if you think they did something wrong.
@kaissa44 I didn't go off-topic the op said that he posted in general chess dissision because game analysis was dead I just gave him a solution and see #15

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