
One of these ratings does not belong

Just realized I've only played 7 bullet games, so that rating doesn't mean much anyway. I play bullet frequently, just usually unrated because I do it when I have a few free minutes at work.
#8: Computer assistance is cheating and never allowed. You can use an opening book though.
im not sure how to explain this so you would understand... like, your response is without logic. i would never consider someone below rating 2000 as a cheater. thats all im going to say, because... obviously.
"It is not unreasonable at all for someone rated 1400 in 3 minute games to be 2000+ in correspondence. It just means this player is sitting back and delving into the subtle variations 10-12 moves deep."

Whatever you say. That much deviation does not seem reasonable to me, even if the person in question played one move a month.

BTW, I played those games without paying much attention to them since they were un-rated. Sometimes I worry that a player has a higher rating in one time varient, and a low on in another.
Wow. Good examples of legitimate correspondence play, Blueknight.

I think the correspondence ratings are not as balanced as the other ratings. Correspondence is much newer and less frequently played.
Thanks man. I have the same feelings for the correspondence ratings, but hey, its fun to beat these guys.
Obviously correspondence chess rating -- with the time component effectively eliminated -- is less a measure of chess skill than blitz rating, because it's also a measure of winning mentality or euphemistically, chess enthusiasm :)

Why would removing the time component make it *less* a measure of "chess" skill?

I would think eliminating something non-chess related (clock) would make it a better measure.

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