
Is 'CALL DRAW' button really used by Lichess users?

We usually see this button when our opponent left the game unfinished, it says 'CALL DRAW' or 'CLAIM VICTORY' but are we really that humble to call it a draw? Even if we are losing or we are still in opening phase? Be honest!

Tbh, am not that humble :( :)
Me neither, but I've seen people saying they are
I have used it several times and will continue to do so when Im objectively losing and my opponent loses connection.

Not always the case, but I do.
I sometimes use it in unrated or anonymous games, but tbh I like my elo :)
in rare case opponent loses connection during opening with few moves.
It's a really tough one. And there is always the third option of just waiting, which seems a fair middle way.
I would like to switch it off, because the only time I'm going to click it is by accident. I haven't yet found a setting for that.
I've used it a handful of times. It's the fair thing to do if we have zero winning chances and the opponent loses their connection. It can be a tough choice, though, whether to resign or call it a draw if we have some disadvantage (but not a hopeless position). I have wrestled with that one on occasion.

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