
Chess Training Puzzles

How are the chess training puzzles chosen and is there a way (or can there be a way) to filter out puzzles with low ratings? I'm playing in normal mode now and there are an amazing number of truly frustrating puzzles which have been played thousands (or tens of thousands) of times and have approval ratings near 100 votes, while the more sensible ones have much much higher approval votes. It would be nice to not have so many horrible puzzles, so it would be great if we could set a % filter so we don't have to play the ones which everyone else hates if we don't want to. For example, if a puzzle has been played 10,000 times and only has 100 votes that's a 1% approval rating. If I set my filter to say 5%, then that puzzle would not come up. Every time I find myself creeping up in my puzzle rating I hit a bad streak of really badly thought out ones (all with low votes) and it pulls me back down again. Who is picking these disasters?

If you are able to avoid low rated puzzles I think the whole system would make no sense anymore, because nobody would be left who is willing to downrate a bad puzzle.

So its necessary to get some bad puzzles from time to time, after a while they will be rated low enough and other players will probably not have to deal with them. Same for you: Other players make sure that you have not to deal with so many bad puzzles.

In my opinion most puzzles are nice. Some are tricky and some are bit unfair sometimes but you still have the chance to learn something out of it if you do them with some patience.

Best wishes

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