
My Favorite Chess Advice: Talk To Your Pieces

If you ask each piece how it feels it all falls back to the knight and the d5. The Re2 and e1 could be happier but are pretty happy since they pressure black's position. The only way to make the rooks really happier is by removing your own pieces from the e-file so there are more threats in the position/ The bishop is actually pretty happy since it attacks the defender of the e4 knight, so the only way to make the bishop happier is by attack the pawn on d5 even more. At first glance the knight seems decently happy since it is pretty deep in black's position, but after a while it becomes clear the knight is unhappy, it does looks at nothing at e5 and can be attack with f6 at anytime, so I think the knight needs improvement. With black's weak point on d5 in mind the knight would be perfectly placed on b4. The move im going for is thus: Nd3.
the knight on the board has no possibilities. that is, the horse needs to be transferred to a field where he will put pressure on something. for example, Ng4-e3 or Nd3-b4 with the same ideas on the pressure on the weakness of the pawn d5
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Indeed, if you can maximize the value of every piece on every move, you can play like an engine.
My pawn on a2 is unhappy so my choice is a3!
I think the Bishop is the worst placed piece. I think it would enjoy being placed on the b1-h7 diagonal. To achieve that I like the move a3, with the idea of later playing Bc2 (or even Ba2 and Bb1, but that is probably too slow).

Other than that, the "sacrifice" f4 looks like an interesting move to play if black moves the Knight away from e4. I think you can recapture the black's pawn on f4 by playing Rf1/Rf2. But it only works if the black knight moves away.

BTW the computer recommends Nd3, with the idea of rerouting the knight to b4 and putting pressure on the d5 pawn. Maybe the knight is not as happy as I thought :(
I saw re2 and bb3 are bad then, I saw trading rook is good as our bishop attacks knight and also becomes better by rc2 rxc2 bxc2 later capturing c file