
Constant reconnecting error

I have still the same reconnecting error since 3 days.
I use Safari Browser.
I cant creator any game, without reconnecting Message.
I had the same in Firefox , but resolved it by allow in NoScript . Maybe you have something blocking it as 3th party script....
Now lichess seems too closely depend on cloudflare to block it without serious problems.
I do not have an answer for hveen aside from many past issues with Safari. The site is typically not tested under Safari, and Apple in general is slow to update it so it's less likely to be fully compatible. You may want to try Firefox or Google Chrome instead, with which most issues should disappear.

Out of interest Cezrun64, why do you block the Cloudflare CDN?
Still the same problem with google chrom Browser.
Still the same problem with google chrom Browser.
If I select a game or Start a game i get reconnecting error.
In the past i got no Problem. What has been changed?

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