
Inappropriate behaivour

Yeah, @Dino960 it's cheating if someone intentionally keeps giving away rating points.

"Sandbagging your rating to pretend to be at an ability below your actual rating is considered cheating and users involved will be banned on the administrators' discretion."

@LichessAuto9786 Yeah, that makes sense. Even though, you didn't really specify how many times that happened until after I sent the original comment.
I apologize for it as well.
This happened to me in a tournament. I played three games with the same opponent and he crushed me three times. But , suddenly , he resigned in all three games!
Seems crazy , why would someone want to lose rating points??
#1 why bother?

Why would you report somebody that's using the block function? That's what the function is for: so that you can block whoever you want! There's absolutely no problem spectating other games :) neither there is a problem using the block function :)
any form of rating manipulation (boosting or sandbagging) is not allowed. users who are marked for rating manipulation are banned from playing rated games and tournaments.

the most common reason to throw games systematically is to play in our rating limited tournaments (U1500, U1700 and U2000).
of course, that ruins the tournaments for everyone and as such is taken seriously.
Let's say that a player has a rating of 1800. Will he be so stupid as to lose 100 points in order to win the U1700 tournament?? What is the point of this? He could take part in a small , unofficial tournament and win!

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