
Continue the story!

@LordSupremeChess said in #61:
> Not yet, Supreme Leader. We still must take over the galaxy.

But, what about the resistance; led by people like the wise Yoda, and the courageous Luke Skywalker?
@LordSupremeChess the story has passed that point, continue from:
@DIOCat said in #60:
> And now all fire benders,water benders , earth benders and air benders (the avatar) join forces and fight against the USA for starting ww3

thanks, just to make the story easier for other to understand :)
@DIOCat said in #60:
> And now all fire benders,water benders , earth benders and air benders (the avatar) join forces and fight against the USA for starting ww3

so because of all the elemental destruction, the earth crashes with mars and the marsians attack earth, manking an all-out-war start, thankfully...
@Jaydon-star said in #64:
> so because of all the elemental destruction, the earth crashes with mars and the marsians attack earth, manking an all-out-war start, thankfully...

But marsians are vulnerable to water so the water benders,metal benders(earth benders),air benders and fire benders defeat the marsians and the benders (all 4 element benders now live on mars )
The avatar is killed, but a unsuspecting horse named horsey gets raava's spirit inside of him instead of a waterbender
@KasishK said in #66:
> The avatar is killed, but a unsuspecting horse named horsey gets raava's spirit inside of him instead of a waterbender
then the horsey goes on an adventure called "the trials of horsey" to restore earth after the world got split.

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