
I built a fast-paced tactics trainer. What do you think?

I have done the first twenty levels, was enjoyable so far,
I like the speed of the challengue, level 14 was a little weird though and some puzzles get repetitive but I dont know I enjoy it a lot, might do later or tomorrow more
they are of a similar level though, I prefer it than lichess tactics maybe it was the novelty or the timer but it felt more rewarding
nice idea to put levels, I think its under construction but very impressive I recommend it.
Dont forget to sign up or ur progress does not save.
Im stuck at level 25 I did a 125 or 129 combo in less than two minutes but did not pass the level, not sure if its well programmed or I need to increase my mouse speed.
very nice, I look forward to using it out of beta
they do increase in difficultty, they seem to be from lichess
since I ve played some before, although I think I have played today more puzzles than in the last two years, reached level 34
the timer gives some adrenaline and I also like that they get repeated to reinforce the patterns
great website to practice tactical speed and learn tactics as well.
@jorjo Thanks, the level list shows both your fastest + latest times now. Hopefully it'll motivate people to push their skills. I'm thinking more about customizability, and so far leaning towards board colors first (themes for brown, blue, green). I also have more thoughts about interacting with others, but first trying to get to a point where people find this individually useful :)

@Tangelo777 If you play through a few times, you'll end up learning the answers and beating level 2 for sure

@Puzzletraining Wow, you've gotten ridiculously far. I'm glad you've found it so rewarding!
yeah ive done to level 40, which was my goal for today
since I thought there were 40 levels instead of 50.
55 sorry, so tomorrow I do 15 more
so far so good, the problem already mentioned is that few have more than one solution, but I like the fact that they get repeated
that was intelligent since they are easy to forget, I like how u mix the levels u sure have put a lot of work to forge them together, its nice to see some tactical drill of level one in level 40.

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