
analysis-board improvement

I really love to see, that the lichess-devs are always trying to improve things, like the analysis-board but recently I found two things for myself which I'm not 100% happy with. :D

First of all I find it a cool feature, that a little article about the current opening pops up on the left side of the board but at the moment it rather annoys me and I'd love to have a feature, maybe some button or in the settings which allows me to turn those texts off.
Point two is rather a wish of mine for a future feature. Maybe other disagree with me but I think a button to turn off notation would be great. I know one can just click on the three dots on the bottom right of the analysis board, but in my opinion it would be nicer to have a clean way of hiding the notation when you don't have to see all the options and buttons.

I know that those two things are by no means important or anything but I think that it would make the lichess-experience for some people even better ^^

kind regards

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