
People's Republic of Chess

Queens have officially been allowed in the army since the year 2000.

I think wollen willy warmers must be issued in the basic kit.
If Antarctica is proved to be unhealthy, then the USA can donate us oil from Iraq to buy some land in Alaska.
Too much bellicists in this thread... I'd rather be peaceful and claim our autonomous chess-oriented state on a seastead! ;-)
Seastead, nice! Now we know where. (Seastead they call it. How I forgot the floating islands?!)
If people see us in our igloos and ask what the heck we're up to ... just play dumb, okay? Hopefully they will just shrug it off and ignore us long enough until all the defense protocols are in place. O_O
Rise_UIED, that was top secret. Now I feel like Intelligence Agensy. Uncovered.

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