
Tournaments segmented by rank

It would be a good idea that players could do tournaments segmented by rank, not?
i guess you mean the possibility to limit by rating when creating a tournament?
that's something i'd also like to see in order to have beginners tournaments and such.
I agree. Every time I go into a tournament, I'm ALWAYS against somebody over 1600. My rating is in the 1300's, and hate playing against people over 1600.
#2 , yes, I meant that.

It's frustrating a game between a rank 1500 versus 2500, by example.
Good idea, but what about players with a provisional rating? Whichever group they want?
I like the idea of tournaments for different rating groups. Only a very small number of players will ever get a chance to win a tournament at the moment.

Maybe once a day, for bullet, blitz, and classical, there could be tournaments for under 1600s and under 2000s.
#6 Provisional players could simply be blocked from joining tournaments?
Definitely agree that having daily, weekly, monthly under x rating tournaments would be great.

Could make two or three, like say an under 1300 and an under 1800. I feel like a lot of players under 1300 just don't play tournaments because they see a lot of higher rated players, which in turn makes more of them not want to play them and so eventually there's only a very small handful of under 1300s so they don't even get matches with players of their strength in the tournament, they end up playing the 2100 who just got upset by the 1980 or the 1740 who just got decimated by the 2450 since the pairings after the first match are based on the scoring not the rating.

Furthermore, I think we should lock provisonals out of the daily/weekly/monthly/special tournaments (which these would become, so they'd not be able to play). Make them play some games in the hourly arenas or something to make sure they aren't cheating before they get to see their name in lights.
#8, Actually, yeah, that's a good idea for many reasons
#9 U1300? Seems a bit low. Maybe U1400 or 1500 but I feel U1300 would have a low turnout. Maybe 1900+, 1500-1900, and below 1500 as sections would work

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