
Search "user:SuperCheeto"

13 forum posts
Game analysis - glanot57 vs nebri: Caro-Khan#4

Use the opening explorer tool to check if you played the opening correctly.

Lichess Feedback - Puzzles do not play the most challenging move#1

I am currently rated around 2600 - 2700 in puzzles. One weird thing that happens to me is that somehow when ever I put puzzles to 300+, I get more correct than normal difficulty. I was very puzzled ab…

General Chess Discussion - rated around 1850 FIDE, looking for sparring partners (30+30 games) #1#19

hi, I'm rated around 1850 fide. Would you like a non rated game?

General Chess Discussion - Most aesthetic checkmates & cool positions you had#11

That last move was very satisfying:

Off-Topic Discussion - is bullet chess good for you brain?#13

@Hikaru99 said in #4: > As a 2500 bullet player (Peak 2581, currently 2518) and 2100 ultrabullet (peak 2126, currently 2115) with more than 7,700 games, I can say that bullet will help you with blitz,…

Off-Topic Discussion - Eat me!#10

@ChickensGoCluck said in #2: > Seriously. Eat me. I dont think CaseOh plays on lichess (You only uderstand if you watch caseoh)

Lichess Feedback - This puzzle should be removed#5

@Rjw69 said in #2: > I didnt really understand what you were saying here but I know that you cannot castle through a check and in this puzzle you had to look at the previous moves as #3 said to see if…

Lichess Feedback - This puzzle should be removed#1 in this puzzle the winning move is to castle. How was I supposed to know if castling is allowed or not in that position

Lichess Feedback - surrender button error#12

@lucky_Nan said in #11: > how does that relate to the lack of mod responses? because it probably uses money to hire modes

Lichess Feedback - surrender button error#10

@cook_in_the_rook said in #8: > Ya, the lack of IT support on a site is a lot... @lucky_Nan said in #9: > I agree. > Lichess Mods respond so rarely on any forum post. just to remind you Lichess is a c…
