
Search "user:sxpg"

29 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Python3 official bot repo HIJACKED#3

@LiamkoChess said in #2: > really? The documentation [] points to the hijacked repo

Lichess Feedback - Python3 official bot repo HIJACKED#1

I was looking at ways to create a bot for LiChess and I found out that the official repo for a bot in Python3 has been hijacked @careless25

General Chess Discussion - Looking for a bot to practice endgames#1

I have some custom positions I would like to practice. "Practice with computer" is not necessarily the best option as Stockfish doesn't defend in losing positions (for example, gives up a rook in the …

General Chess Discussion - Advice for 2000 rapid#9

What helps me is playing stronger opponents. First, you have to try hard in every single game. Second, if you win, you gain more points, if you lose, your rating drops less. Also, I try to stick to th…

Game analysis - How to save a lost game with a brilliant combination?#1

This is a position from a game I played today. White is down a lot of material, but tries to keep the game going and attack the opponent's king. There's only one winning move, all the rest are losing.…

General Chess Discussion - More turtle tournaments!#12

Guys, it's worth taking part in one of those tournaments: - you play one 30+30 game a week in a Swiss tournament. You can leave or rejoin whenever you want - for …

Game analysis - FM Zibbit game to be remembered for ages to come!#6

Is this game genuine? It's the Morphy classic with colors reversed: Hard to believe Carlsen didn't know this game and made exactly the same mistake…

Game analysis - The PIG#2

Note it's not the back rank but the seventh rank. The back rank is the eighth rank.

General Chess Discussion - Élos in rapid games.#5

Maybe you don't choose to play rated games?

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