
Dboing's Musings

Team leader: dboing

Alternate candidate titles were: Buffoon's Corner. Buffoon knows best. Buffoon is not an idiot. etc.....
Dboing's Questions. but nothing seriously offering answers. This is chaotic brainstorming space, to start with. I give myself full verbosity license here, in this very obscure side of the fork blog. So, in conclusion:

Not the team you are looking for....
Going further might break the glass of your rendering device.
Enter at your own risks.
You have been warned, right?

In case of readable bits conducive to your own commenting in spite of above warning, please join the following team instead, and backlink in a post there to that bit.
(I made an exemplar musing thread called "Thread", explaining what to do, if new to this sort of cross-linking, old internet technology called hypertext).


drafts parking lotdboing •

at some point. i would like to make a straw hat data analysis project where I use one of the motherload sets induced metrics onto well contorled FEN sets taken from human knowledge frameworks.. starti…

drafts parking lotdboing •

also.. seaborn looks ok... links.. saved. but here is one. yet their faq makes a mysterious statements about ggplor (and I glimpses R programming language, ohh…

drafts parking lotdboing •

for reviewing 5.3.3. How do you select an experimental …

drafts parking lotdboing •

This is not likely the kind of math usually in orbit of chess stuff.. in spire of all the A0 and Lc0 awerness. It seems to not have percolated much from the black boxes of the NN....

drafts parking lotdboing • not bad. the properties and how how it extends from just 3D points. (the thinking of linear algeb…

drafts parking lotdboing •

blog in section about studying opening by priinciples (or that is not consider really studying openings, i assume being there, it might from that authors point of view. > Playing a position from the f…

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