
I don't really like the way my friend treats me

Sorry for the long post. It's just that I had no one to share this with, yet needed to.

TL;DR: Am I a jerk for being upset when my friend insults or spreads rumours about me?

I am a high-schooler. Being a hardcore introvert, I have never really had close friends. Overall, I have good relations with everyone, but could never have a friendship that went beneath the facade of superficiality. A little less than two years ago, I made friends with a guy, but I don't really like the way he treats me.

A few times, he insulted me and my family with the most disgusting of words. I was really upset about this and told him about how I felt. I tried to be utmost civil and respectful, yet he shamed me and said that I am incapable of accepting the flaws in a person, and that I should accept him for the way he is. I did not say anything, but thought is it all that bad to expect basic human goodness from another person? All I had said was that I was upset about what he said to me.

Once, I told him an embarrassing thing about myself and we had a laugh about it. This is the kind of thing you would like to have secret, yet the next thing I know, the entire class knows it, and I was made fun of for it. This is a seemingly insignificant thing, but I was highly embarrassed. I thought I had found someone with whom I could share feelings purely personal to myself, yet this happened.

Quite frequently, he makes pejorative remarks about me in front of others, often disguised as jokes or funny comments, but they hurt. I always maintained my composure, yet recently, I found him spreading more of such half-truths about me (seasoning something I told him with a great deal of verbal spice to synthesise a negative portrayal of myself) and engaging in negative gossip about me with another of our friends. I had always bottled up my emotions, but maybe the bottle had been filled to the brim. In a fit of anger, I made an indecent hand gesture at him, for a split second, before I controlled myself. I have been thinking about this. It was wrong to do, yet with all that he has done, it does seem pretty justified. I had had too much. I was exhausted. The question is, can I forgive myself for it?

Some people might call this arrogant, but is it arrogant to expect basic goodness from someone? Is it selfish to expect someone to not insult you or to treat you with basic dignity? My inner voice has perpetually been harsh to me, yet, even with careful recollection, I could not recall a single moment when I had been rude to him. I loved him (fraternally), and cared for his well-being. I help him whenever he needs it. He always calls me a 'friend', but his behaviour has led me to wonder whether he is actually a 'friend'? I never feel happy or peaceful when I am with him, I have never felt him treating with dignity. Hell, when I am with him, I feel scared for my own mental health. I must admit I have low self-esteem, but not as low to allow someone to insult me freely. Low self-esteem is not even that much of a good thing to have, is it?

When he insulted my character, I could have been moved with a simple heartfelt "Sorry", but the question is, is it too much to ask for? He did reluctantly apologise for the insult later, but not before making me apologise for protesting in the most respectful way possible.

It is satisfying to receive responses that validate oneself, yet I shall try to be as open-minded as possible. Do you think I should have more self-respect and leave this "friend" for good? Or am I in the wrong here and need to apologise? I want to know your thoughts on this.
Anyone who would insult my mother, or my family, is no friend of mine ! - :]
If any persons brings you down, more than they lift you up.
Then they aren't worthy of your time. Find some other friends.
Friendship is a mutual bond.
Like a rope, the rope is only tight, if you both cling on to it.

Friendship isn't just by those you associate yourself with. Be the best you can for your friends, but expect nothing less in return.

"The friendship task is achieved through satisfying relationships with others."
-Alfred Adler (Austrian Psychotherapist 1870-1937)
I highly recommend you reading, or at least listening to people talking about his work on YouTube.
In your situation, I think his writing could be worthwhile and insightful.
To help boost your self confidence.
And to avoid falling into unhealthy, one-sided "friendships/relationship."
Drop that suckerl.He is bullshit wrapped up in bad news
Stay away from him. He's a bully. And next time, please consider not telling your embarrassing personal stuff to someone who gets his fun by insulting your family.

He's enjoying making you suffer, he's enjoying his power over you and he probably thinks because you're an introvert you will just take it all and won't have the guts to walk away.

Prove him wrong.
I was going to do Dukedog one better, and suggest you drop kick that sucker in the groin. But being honest, we all know that isn't the solution to life's problems. It's good for the soul to take a moment and imagine it for a moment, but it's a lot better for both body and soul to put the thought away and get on with the sensible thing, which everyone else is suggesting. Wash your hands of him/her and move on.
That's the good thing about being a teenager, btw. You collect some of life's ugliest scars when you're young and vulnerable, but you are still able to move on and grow stronger despite the crap that life throws at you. You can still make mistakes and learn from them, you can still define and redefine yourself, you are still supple and stronger than you know. Yes, you're stronger than you know. Getting past this will, in times to come, help you find that iron in your soul which you need.
Thank you all for replying. It means a lot. This boosts my confidence to have more respect for myself.
A true friend will never betray you and your deepest thoughts. A true will fight for you, even when you're wrong. A true friend will tell you when you're, in private. Learn from this. Choose better friends for your inner circle. Remember, your circle doesn't need to be large.
He's not friends...leave him...too immature for u...hope someday u can find a best friend or soulmate...things like this can't be forced...and it's happen the right time...right place...right take vacation or road trips... whenever u have some time...maybe u meet someone better at the most unexpected positive but don't let someone take advantage of u...

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