

IM MilovanR Lichess coach picture

IM Milovan Ratkovic

“Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there”

Plats Serbia
SpråkEnglish (US), Српски језик
RatingFIDE: 244028012603
Timtaxa1hour= 50$
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GM AmirBagheri78 Lichess coach picture

GM Amir Bagheri

If you want to fly, sky is the limit!

PlatsNice France
SpråkFrançais, فارسی
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FM Ali_rastbod Lichess coach picture

FM Ali Rastbod

I can help you in the right way

PlatsRasht Iran
Språkفارسی, English (US)
TimtaxaClass : 30$ per hour / Training game with analysis : 20$ per hour
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CM Kingscrusher-YouTube Lichess coach picture

CM Tryfon Gavriel

Learn how to crush kings the Kingscrusher way!

PlatsLondon United Kingdom
SpråkEnglish (US)
RatingFIDE: 217025572318
Timtaxa60$ per hour. If this is too expensive please check out my discounted courses page at
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IM Olexiy_Bilych Lichess coach picture

IM Olexiy Bilych

Just enjoy chess :)

PlatsChernivtsi Ukraine
Språkукраїнська, русский язык, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 2459281827512100
TimtaxaTo contact me
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WFM Pelageya Lichess coach picture

WFM Полина Гуткович

Интересные и познавательные занятия шахматами с вкраплениями математики, истории, философии и юмора

Plats Russia
Språkрусский язык
RatingFIDE: 210523732309
Timtaxa1500 руб/час
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IM Kaba2020 Lichess coach picture

IM Alexander Kabatianski

Unter meiner Anleitung errangen viele Schachtalente ihre Titeln. Darunter mehrere internationale Meister, sowie Deutsche Meister unter Jugendlichen und Mannschaften.

PlatsNürnberg Germany
SpråkDeutsch, русский язык, українська, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 23582594
Timtaxa30 Euro
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FM czasnaszachy Lichess coach picture

FM Michał Tworuszka

Mistrz szachowy i doświadczony trener klasy międzynarodowej (FIDE Trainer) udzieli lekcji. Zajęcia online.

Plats Poland
Timtaxa75-100 PLN
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IM MatthewG-p4p Lichess coach picture

IM Matvey Galchenko

Helping you improve with ease and joy. My students have results.

PlatsMurmansk Russia
SpråkEnglish (US), русский язык
RatingFIDE: 2465304727062439
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GM petrovich_gm Lichess coach picture

GM Petr Kiryakov

Making Masters since 2000

Plats United Arab Emirates
Språkрусский язык, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 250224592653247010201300
TimtaxaUSD 36
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