
What's the difference between 0+60 and 1+60?

The starting time of 0+60 is 1 minute, and so is 1+60.
@XBLAAAA said in #1:
> The starting time of 0+60 is 1 minute, and so is 1+60.
0+60 = 60, 60sec means 1 min. 1+60= 61, 61sec means 1min 1 sec.
1 min and 1 min 1 sec has a difference
<Comment deleted by user>
@XBLAAAA said in #7:
> I think you two are wrong

they are right,you cant give meanings to numbers as you wish,the question says what is the difference between 0+60 and 1+60,you have to show that 1 is one minute and 60 are seconds in the question,i can also pretend that 1 refers to a century for example,you didnt show that in the question,if led to our imagination 1 could be hour,day ,month,anything you want
The difference between 0+60 and 1+60 is that you can organize 0+60 tournaments to boost your rating but not 1+60.