
Search "user:mtxo"

10 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How to I persuade my ignorant friend that Lichess is superior to

Different people value different things and that's fine. is run like a traditional enterprise, and has a bunch of paywalled content that some people value. And that's ok. There are some comp…

Lichess Feedback - Questions about Simuls#2

1. I think because ratings - our ELO specifically, are meant to reflect the probability of one player beating another in normal conditions. A simul does not comprise normal conditions, so it's not cle…

General Chess Discussion - Should the queen be allowed to castle?#3

It might change opening theory! But I think the idea is that the king is not very mobile and needs to be protected. Its a way to develop the rook and protect the king. I think castling the queen would…

Off-Topic Discussion - The world is missing TotalBiscuit's voice right now.#5

@plsdontclosemyacc said in #3: > A competition of writing paragraphs is going lol . @DeadlyGambits said in #4: > out! These hardly seem like useful contributions! Why bother replying? Seems like bad e…

Off-Topic Discussion - The world is missing TotalBiscuit's voice right now.#2

It seems kind of simple, I don't see the ethical dilemma- your hand isn't forced here. They are trying to get a good deal, and you can just say no. You set your price, they don't. You're not being exp…

Lichess Feedback - Lichess cheater arena pairing#37

It seems like beating a dead horse here. Anonymous users aren't tracked, and I think it would be really strange for lichess to maintain a history on IP addresses, much less declare a probability of ch…

Lichess Feedback - Punish quitters more#7

Hahaha I've been waiting for this to happen to me recently. My plan is to give my opponent lots of extra time. Like 30 minutes. See if they REALLY want to wait :)

Lichess Feedback - Is "Sore Winning" Against Lichess Rules?#28

does this happen a lot to you? I'm not sure if I've ever experienced it. People losing might do it periodically. You could resign as others suggest and move on with your life. Or, if you have a bit of…

Lichess Feedback - Allowing for taking the king - feature suggestion#16

There are also some in person game variants (usually street/park chess) that allow king captures, but I dunno if it fits for online play. If you look up coffee chess on YouTube, I think they have a ki…

Lichess Feedback - Allowing for taking the king - feature suggestion#15

This is an interesting thought. I don't remember being hung up on this as a kid, but I learned over the board. then again, I remember my friends and I enacting dramatic death sequences for the king at…
